hitchcock 发表于 2010-4-24 09:06

Air Supply官网又开新栏目,Graham个人商品商店"Song Store"


随着Air Supply官方商店的开启,紧接着昨天,名为“Song Store”的Graham个人商品商店也已经开业。
里面销售了许多惊人的东西,包括了:《The Future》CD,Graham吉他,海报等等。。

Graham's debut solo CD(个人专辑)
The Future

Autographed 8x10 Photo(签名照片)

Graham's Breedlove 12-string electric acoustic guitar (Model J25/W)
Rosewood with Mother of Pearl inlay
Graham's personal guitar for nearly 10 years - in pristine condition
with deep bass tones, easy to play
used for all acoustic recording sessions on "The Concrete Sky" CD
*right hand guitar, but fret marks are set for left hand player, i.e. Graham!*
(Graham的电箱原声吉他,Graham使用了将近10年,低音厚重。这把吉他用来录制The Concrete Sky专辑)
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