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Graham每周一诗No.1《Skeleton Trees》

发表于 2015-4-12 08:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Welcome to my Poem of the Week.
Now posting every sunday!
Here is this weeks. - Graham

Skeleton Trees

Skeleton trees have lost their leaves
A forest lives in the lake
Where rippled waves kiss soft the shore
The Water and the Earth once more
Together lie in wait

A taste of Spring, two sparrows sing
One coot alone swims by
It's world untouched by human hands
No future or important plans
Except perhaps to fly

But where to go what paradise
Could measure to what I see
One sitting stone becomes my throne
The quiet and the still unknown
More than enough for me.

- Graham Russell
Poem of the Week #1
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