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第1-6章:改变我人生的一天 - The Day that Changed My Life

发表于 2016-1-7 19:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Me (Kneeling far left) in Jesus Christ Superstar 1975 performance in Melbourne, Australia.

The Day that Changed My Life

      The first day of rehearsals for the show was May 12, 1975, in Sydney. My recollections are that it was quite chaotic. There were various cliques already in play: those who had been in production three years earlier and knew each other extremely well, people who were first timers for the production but had theater experience (we later called them "Theater People") and, last but not least, the people who didn't have experience with the show or theater in any sense. There were the new people, of which I was included.

      To say that I was nervous and insecure that day would be a major understatement. The sound of 60 people mingling, chatting, laughing and taking it all in was a totally new experience for me and very intimidating. The director, Stefaan Haag, the musical director, Michael Carlos, and the choreographer, Krissi Koltai, were all present as were the stage manager, stage hands, the tour manager and his assistants, and various other personnel.

      The first days were a blur. Learning the vocal parts was an interesting process. The various sections, sopranos, altos, tenors and baritones, would sing their separate parts and then the entire chorus would sing together. I must say, the first time I sang with everyone else in the chorus was one of the most thrilling, emotional experience of my life. To be in the midst of so many great voices singing such amazing lyrics to beautiful arrangements was staggering.

      I don't recall the exact sequence of events, but when it was time to begin the choreography rehearsals, I was even more nervous. Simply put, I can't dance. And here is where our story really begins. We has to do this kind of run/leap thing. I was really self-conscious and felt awkward and clumsy. One group of the male chorus ran through their paces and the next group lined up. The next thing I see is an extremely tall blond guy begin his routine only to trip and fall heavily onto the stage floor. Some of us ran to his aid and carried him backstage. He had sprained his ankle badly. Someone filled two sinks with hot and cold water and alternated putting his foot in each. I thought it would be the last I saw of him, but it would be far from that. His name was Graham Russell.


      要说我那天很紧张而且不保险那绝对只是轻描淡写了。60个人的声音交织在一起,聊天,大笑,对我来说真是一个全新的体验,太可怕了。导演Stefaan Haag, 音乐导演Michael Carlos和编舞Krissi Koltai都在场,舞台监督,巡演经理和他的助手,以及其他各种人员都在。


      我记不清当时具体的顺序了,但是当第一次开始进行舞蹈排练时,我更紧张了。简单的说,我没法跳舞。然后我们的故事就真的开始了。我们不得不做一些跑和飞跃的动作。我真的觉得很难为情,觉得自己太笨拙了。一队男性和声组合跑完下一队就要跟上。然后我看件一个很高的金头发的家伙开始跑,然后重重的摔在地板上。我们队里的一些人就跑过去帮他,然后把他抬到后台。他的脚踝扭了很严重。有人装了一桶冷水和一桶热水,交换着把他的脚往水里泡。我心想这可能是我最后一次见到他了,但是之后却大相径庭。他的名字叫Graham Russell。

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