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第1-17章:幸运数字7 - Lucky 7

发表于 2017-1-6 13:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Above: The Hot 100 chart from Billboard's July 25, 1981, issue.

Lucky 7

      When we began in Australia as Air Supply and had our first hit song, it was amazing feeling. Hearing the song on the radio for the first time was a HUGE thrill. People knew who we were, fans wanted to see us and, of course, I wondered how long it would all last.

      I'd seen interviews with famous acts, including The Beatles, who were asked early on how long they thought their careers would last. I figured that five years would be a good run, so to realize now that this is our 40th year working together is unfathomable. Having said that, we had the songs, the talent and the ambition that would not be denied.

      Steering our recording career with all of Clive's great insight and talent, we released song after song that continued to make Top 5 or better. At that time, we had success only attained by The Beatles and Michael Jackson, I believe, with seven consecutive songs reaching the Top 5. What a great achievement.

      "The One That You Love" becoming our first No.1 song in the United States was the cherry on the cake. Such songs and many others to follow allowed us to maintain our career at a high level and continue to do so to this day. I remember seeing the front page of USA Today with a little section in the bottom corner that displayed a statistic showing we'd matched The Beatles and MJ with seven consecutive songs in the Top 5.

      当我们作为Air Supply在澳大利亚崭露头角,并且拥有了我们第一首排行榜金曲,那种感觉真的好棒。而在电台里第一次听到这首歌之后,那真的是震惊。人们都知道了我们是谁,粉丝们想要见我们,我好奇这究竟能持续多久。

      我看过一些著名的艺人的采访,包括The Beatles,他们被问及他们的音乐生涯会持续多久的问题。我寻思着5年应该差不多了吧,意识到我们已经在一起合作了40年之后,这些真的是无法预测啊。我们拥有着好歌,天赋,雄心壮志,一定会成功。

      我们的录音生涯,伴随着Clive的洞察力和天赋,我们一首接着一首地发行歌曲,持续到达排行榜Top 5或者更高。那时,我们的成就就要赶上The Beatles和Michael Jackson了,我相信,7首单曲连续到达排行榜Top 5。这真是一个不可思议的成就。

      "The One That You Love" 成为了我们第一首美国冠军歌曲。这些金曲让我们攀登上了一个个高峰。我记得今日美国杂志的封面上,底部一个小地方写了,数据显示我们的连续Top 5歌曲已经和The Beatles与MJ相持平。

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